Unfortunately my race ended a little earlier than anticipated, due to a bike crash that saw me fliying in the air, then hitting the ground quite badly
Had been training and preparing myself really well all winter long. Then the last 2-3 weeks were really difficult dealing with a knee injury, which made my lead up to the race very stressfull and bringing doubts being able to start or not. And then this happened, 100% my own stupid fault.
Aside from some the to be expected road rash and a sore body from the crash, I'm doing really god thankfully. Some bruised ribs and bruised pelvis are worst. They got me scared but after medical investigation, nothing seems to be broken. Thanks again everyone for all the messages and the support, much appreciated.
How the season now will continue, remains to be seen. Firstly I'll need to recover physically as well as mentally from this incident.
Head over to my Instagram account to see the video of this crash (someone was filming and captured this really coincidentally)